Mittwoch, 5. August 2009

The roofer has done the job

Somebody was soposed to come by and fix our roof.
there are some leeks in and i wanted them closed.
Over a week i waited to get that job done.
First i where thinking to fix it myself, but everybody told me not to go up know...dangerous.. too high ... and because!

i agreed because i think it may not have been my favorite place to be.
But the leeks needed to be gone and every time it rained, and lately it where raining a loooooot, i freaked. this damn water just made it more bad and bad when ever it leaked in the building.

after waiting now so long, i decided, i GO ON THE ROOF and fix that hole.
adrian, my son, daved the ladder and old mama walked up the roof.
leek stop, spatulas and diverse other tools with me.

damit, it was high up there. almost in the clouds. not that it was realy soooo high, but it feeled like it was.
after i while playing with this bad sticky leek stopper, i realized that i wore my favorite pants. i did not wanted ruin them. walking down the roof and change, would have been an option but i did not feeled like that this would be a great idea.
so i made my son bringing me other working pants. he looked at me like i talk i brought them to me.

what should i say... i changed on top of the roof... a picture for the goddest family...

after i fixed the roof, i rained like hell opened. a nice bad thunder storm and bad bad rain floods came along.
i went after it cleared up to have a look.
huh, there has not even been a glimpse of a water drop visible. i think i did a good job! you can call me roofer now:

changing pants in the air:

sticky stuff... sticks sticky everywhere:

quiet compfortable between the two roofes:

job is done:

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