Montag, 20. Juli 2009

An other day of work

ok, today we have been very lucky. 2 people helped and donated some working time.
What a great thing!
It made me so happy to have 4 more hands helping us out.
The progress from this more man power is visible already.

We got the kitchen pretty cleaned up and my working room looks way better.

i think i can drive to loves and buy some plaster and start filling the holes tomorrow.

have to make a decission what colors i want to use.
but i guess it will be something in sunny color spectrus to have it looking somewhat happy.
yellow is allways great and it looks even like a sunny day in the deepest winter time. even we dont have that realy.

i'm allways impressed what an 18 year old boy can do. he did a geat job.
the landlord is impressed also from the progress. that shows that he has not believed it will happen so quick.

lots of work still to do. if there is aybody with some extra time, we love to get more people to help us...
just holler and we will hear it

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